Today not only women carry bags around places, men these days also carry bags as well. They carry their bags with them daily to the office, to visit friends, and to many other places. They fill their bags with many important personal belongings so whether it is a small office bag, a backpack, or even luggage, they are used on a continuous basis. Designer bags, handbags, or leather bags are bags that you spent lots of money on so you will want to keep them looking like new for a long long time.
At Dry~Clinique, which is considered best dry cleaner in Bangkok, we treat your bags different from many other dry cleaners or bag spa. We rejuvenate your bags making your bags clean, fresh, looking as new. We apply moisturising to condition your leather and to add softness to your bag preventing cracks on your leather bags.
As Bangkok is a city where tourists flock every year for rejuvenation treatments, Dry~Clinique offers rejuvenation to your favorite garments, bags and many other items that you love.
Bags come into our “clinic” for rejuvenation. A Bag spa day is a day that bags need, just like what people need. Bags get cleaned and stains get removed. If your bag is made from leather, it will require a special treatment. Our professionals, clean it inside and out with the utmost care. We do apply special leather conditioners to leather bags to help the bag last even longer than you anticipated.
Since Dry~Clinique has been in the dry-cleaning business for more than 20 years, with all those years of expertise, you can rely on Dry~Clinique to be here to give you the best treatment you can ask for.
If you have beautiful garments, bags, shoes, and hats, don’t be stressed out when you want to wear any of your favourites items to special events. Think of us, Dry~Clinique, as your personal valet. We will make sure that you are well taken care of, and that all your needs are met. For special inquiries concerning dry-cleaning and such questions and problems, please feel free to call us at +6687 454 4224 and we will assist you.
You can visit for more information about Dry~Clinique services.